Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome, My Friend!

Welcome to my Blog my friend.

As you can see, I am rather busy at this moment. Please bear with me and I promise I will put up lots of wonderful revelation in line with the Gospel for your reading pleasure.

Till then, may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


Anonymous said...

Good blog.

yaso said...

Hi brother, welcome to the flight of Grace. Please take your seat (the right side please) and fasten your seat belt (one that marked the Truth) and enjoy the rest (it is finished, why are you still busy?:) of the journey.

Anonymous said...

coOl, richard...!

Anonymous said...

Funny, why this anonymous knows your name is Richard...?

Anonymous said...

hahaha... great to know that ur starting a blog.. can't wait to read ur blog, Chard.. ///feli :)